Scanning System

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Ricoh has been a major player in imaging industry for a long time and their multi-functional printers

Scanning System

The digitization of documents is the first step towards implementing electronic document management software in an organization. The quality and age of the documents that needs to be digitized varies with every organization. For example, a newly established law firm would not have old documents in their cabinets while a 30 year old University will have stores full of old documents. Hence, it becomes increasingly important to clean these documents and store the digitized copy only after having done so.

Ricoh has been a major player in imaging industry for a long time and their multi-functional printers are widely used by government organizations and corporate worldwide. The MFD's are adept at scanning paper documents of all sizes, from A0 to A4, and irrespective of the condition they are in.

With the help of a team of skilled personnel, the digitization of the documents is carried by carefully handling the documents and then scans them in our own MFD's. Since our scanners are among the best in the market, the quality of the digital copies of your documents is the best that could be.

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